Mind Games and Manipulation
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 11 , Segment 4
Seafood, Unopened Scrolls, Manipulation, Oscars, Proteins
Episode: Seafood, Unopened Scrolls, Manipulation, Oscars, Proteins
- Feb 23, 2015 10:00 pm
- 20:23 mins
Guest: Diane Benscoter, author of “Shoes of a Servant: My Unconditional Devotion to a Lie” and founder of Own Your Own Brain Young radicals from Western nations including America are swelling the ranks of the Islamic State. They are recruited through slick marketing and compelling messages that convey the opportunity to be part of something bigger that ones’ self—to belong, to have meaning. We discuss the impacts of manipulation on Top of Mind. “I see it in a variety of places. We see it in gangs, we see it in terrorist organizations like ISIS, we see it in relationships sometimes. There’s the type that goes on in businesses that takes advantage of people of scams. It can appear in a variety of situations in society,” says Benscoter. Ownyourbrain.org, empowering individuals to resist manipulation “It’s like a fire, if it doesn’t have oxygen, it can’t burn,” says Benscoter on resisting manipulation.