Hormones and Exercise

Hormones and Exercise

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 26 , Segment 3

Money and Politics, Iran, Diabetes Prevention, Cinderella

Episode: Money and Politics, Iran, Diabetes Prevention, Cinderella

  • Mar 16, 2015 9:00 pm
  • 16:11 mins

(51:52) Guest: David Lee, assistant professor at USC Davis and lead author of the "MOTS-c Hormone" study, which appears in the current issue of the journal "Cell Metabolism."  Diet and exercise are generally considered the best approach to dealing with type 2 diabetes brought on by obesity. Drugs like metformin are also known to help. But a team of scientists at the University of South California have identified a naturally-occurring hormone that might also be used to tackle type 2 diabetes – and could have the added benefit of letting you eat a high-fat diet while not gaining weight.  “Exercise is a very complex thing and it changes many factors in your body. We do believe that this hormone mediates exercise,” says Lee.

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Money and Politics

Mar 16, 2015
17 m

Guest: Michael Barber, Political Science at BYU  Americans are more politically polarized than at any other point in the last 20 years, according to Pew Research. So it stands to reason that our elected leaders in Congress – and even in statehouses around the country – are also polarized in their views, votes and rhetoric, right?  Well, what if it isn’t as simple as that? What if money has a lot more to do with the polarized picture of politics in America?   Money is “definitely an important part of the electoral process,” says Barber. “The one that has more money to spend in advertising or get out the vote candidates is likely to fare better on Election Day.”  “Legislators are nervous about losing money they could miss out on in the future. They behave in a way so that they can please those who contribute to their campaign,” says Barber.

Guest: Michael Barber, Political Science at BYU  Americans are more politically polarized than at any other point in the last 20 years, according to Pew Research. So it stands to reason that our elected leaders in Congress – and even in statehouses around the country – are also polarized in their views, votes and rhetoric, right?  Well, what if it isn’t as simple as that? What if money has a lot more to do with the polarized picture of politics in America?   Money is “definitely an important part of the electoral process,” says Barber. “The one that has more money to spend in advertising or get out the vote candidates is likely to fare better on Election Day.”  “Legislators are nervous about losing money they could miss out on in the future. They behave in a way so that they can please those who contribute to their campaign,” says Barber.