You're More Creative Than You Think - Creativity, Part 1

You're More Creative Than You Think - Creativity, Part 1

The Lisa Show - Season 2023, Episode 20

  • Aug 1, 2023 12:00 pm
  • 35:38 mins
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Are you a creative person? Everyone answers this question differently. Whether you feel too busy to participate in your old hobbies, or you think there's "not a single creative bone in your body”, there's no limit to the obstacles keeping us from exploring our creative sides. But as it turns out, there's a science to the way we define our creative potential--and knowing the odds makes it easier to beat them. Lisa chats with Drs. Lynne Vincent and Jack Goncalo, as well as James Valentine, about what makes a person creative or not--and how to overcome some of the biggest misconceptions standing between us and our most creative selves.