Open-Source Education

Open-Source Education

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 176 , Segment 5

Cheatgrass, Marriage and Health, Smart Grids, Digital Education

Episode: Cheatgrass, Marriage and Health, Smart Grids, Digital Education

  • Nov 10, 2015 10:00 pm
  • 22:14 mins

Guest: David Wiley, PhD, Education Fellow at Creative Commons, Adjunct Faculty in Brigham Young University's graduate program in Instructional Psychology and Technology, Co-founder and Chief Academic Officer of Lumen Learning  The average college textbook will run you about 100 bucks – some are much more.  And the reliance on those big heavy, worth-their-weight-in-goal texts hasn’t changed, even as just about everything else in our lives has gone digital. But there is a movement afoot to make open source, digital textbooks the norm in college. Several recent studies find students can learn just as much from the open, digital textbook and get grades that are just as high as their peers using the old-school $100-a-pop textbook.