Can Restaurants Manipulate What We Order?
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 922 , Segment
Khashoggi, Menu Selection, Bird Strike, Sears Bankruptcy
Episode: Khashoggi, Menu Selection, Bird Strike, Sears Bankruptcy
- Oct 16, 2018 11:00 pm
- 15:00
Guest: Dipayan Biswas, Professor of Business and Marketing, University of South Florida Next time you are out to eat and suddenly decide to order a greasy burger instead of the salad you’d planned on, you might want to stop and listen for a moment. How loud is the music in the restaurant? There’s some evidence that louder music causes people to order unhealthy food. This was true in a grocery store, too, where researchers ran the same experiment – louder music led to more junk food in the shopping cart.