Boise St. Comes to Town for Homecoming

Boise St. Comes to Town for Homecoming

Cougar Tailgate - Season 1, Episode 6

  • Oct 19, 2019 6:00 am
  • 53:53 mins
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Homecoming brings a little something extra out of the fans. And every visiting team wants to play spoiler on that special night. Last week BYU was gracious enough to give South Florida a win for their Homecoming, and the Cougs are hoping for a similar courtesy from Boise State today. But Homecoming is more than just a game, as we'll learn from director of relations and communications for BYU Alumni Robert Sullivan. There is a whole week of festivities designed for the Cougar fan, student and graduate alike. We'll Talk to the ROC about their favorite BYU traditions, and also settle down with a six pack of questions about Boise State football through the years. Happy Homecoming and Go Cougs!