The Whispering Bridge of Fukushima

The Whispering Bridge of Fukushima

The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 1580 , Segment 2

Fairies and Tales

Episode: Fairies and Tales

  • Nov 6, 2020 2:00 am
  • 8:25 mins

“The Whispering Bridge of Fukushima” by Kevin Cordi from Wisdom Keepers: Unlocking the Puzzle, Wise Tales and Wise People (6:37) What’s a story without a moral? Well, one could argue that stories without morals are important, that they teach us that things aren’t always black and white. However, stories with a moral are also important. They teach us how to be good, that there are consequences for our actions. A lot of fantasy stories have a strong moral, including this one, about a girl who fell in love with a man who turned into a tree. Her father was not pleased, and determined that the only solution was to cut down the tree. However, forcing someone to do what you think is best for them doesn’t always work out how you might think.