Blue Zones, Best Leaders are Servants, Rescue Relationships

Blue Zones, Best Leaders are Servants, Rescue Relationships

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 249

  • Oct 19, 2017 6:00 am
  • 143:58
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Blue Zones of Happiness (20:59) Dan Buettner is a National Geographic Fellow and multiple New York Times, bestselling author. His new book is “The Blue Zones of Happiness: Lessons From the World’s Happiest People.”What makes you happy? Watching videos of puppies on Facebook personally, makes me feel happy. Everyone does different things to make them happy, but why are some people so much happier than others? Author Dan Buettner discovered what makes the happiest people around the world so happy and is here today to share with us what he has learned. Servant Leaders (1:06:06) Jude Rake is a proven leader with a 30+ year track record of building businesses to create economic value. His new book is “The Bridge to Growth: How Servant Leaders Achieve Better Results and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever.” Many people see leaders as the commanding, born-to-lead type. Yet, not all leaders are born to lead. Leadership expert Jude Rake believes the best type of leader to be is a “servant” leader. Jude is shares about how leaders can focus on serving others. Liana Tan - What is Halloween? (1:31:13) Millions of people celebrate Halloween every year. Do we know where Halloween came from or how it has changed over the years? Producer Liana Tan explains the history of Halloween. Rescue a Struggling Relationships (1:51:34) There are many things that get in the way of a relationship. Life is hectic and kids take time away from a couple spending time together. These other responsibilities can "suffocate" a relationship and may lead to a break-up. Diane Barth is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She leads private study groups in New York and workshops for therapists around the country. Diane wrote an article that explains how to Rescue a Struggling Relationship.