We're Dealing with Lower-Back Pain All Wrong

We're Dealing with Lower-Back Pain All Wrong

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 789 , Segment 2

GOP Congress Exodus, Lower Back Pain, Protecting Workers' Tips

Episode: GOP Congress Exodus, Lower Back Pain, Protecting Workers' Tips

  • Apr 12, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 18:46 mins

Guest: Judith Turner, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Center for Pain Relief, University of Washington Medical Center, Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Washington Low back pain is always bad news – and it’s increasingly common in the US and everywhere else in the world. But the really bad news is that the typical treatment for it – painkillers, “taking it easy,”  and even shots or surgery – are not scientifically proven to be that helpful. In fact, they’re not even the first line of treatment recommended by expert groups such as the American Pain Society.