Shift from Nursing Homes

Shift from Nursing Homes

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1631 , Segment 2

Politicizing the DOJ, Zombie Fires, New Alzheimer's Drug

Episode: Politicizing the DOJ, Zombie Fires, New Alzheimer's Drug

  • Jun 29, 2021 8:00 pm
  • 17:36

People in nursing homes made up more than a third of all the deaths from COVID-19 in the United States. Those who didn’t die endured a year of extreme isolation. Many Americans are now rethinking their plans for aging relatives who can no longer live independently. But government subsidies differ from state to state and tend to favor nursing homes over in-home care. Most people don’t even qualify for those subsidies. Sarita Mohanty is president and CEO of The SCAN Foundation, which is a nonprofit advocating for higher health quality for older seniors.