Grow the Economy, Career Choice, Talking to Children

Grow the Economy, Career Choice, Talking to Children

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 70

  • Mar 22, 2016 6:00 am
  • 2:24:03 mins

Look at Cities and Efficiency to Grow Economy (16:48) Dr. John Short, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. The state of our economy is one of the greatest concerns facing the nation. With massive public concern and the topic over taking the current presidential diabetes, many are looking for answers to solve our economic woes. According Dr. Short those answer may lie within our cities. Dr. Short’s recent article, “Want the economy to grow? It’s time to look at cities and efficiency,” discuss the need for growth and expansion in our cities. Dr. Short explains more about the future of the nation's economy.  Madeleine Dresden: Noisy Neighbors (43:51) If you’ve ever lived in an apartment, or checked into a hotel, you’ve probably experienced some noise that you didn’t like: like loud stomping upstairs, music blasting through walls, or even a baby crying nonstop. Whether the perpetrator is oblivious to the noise they’re making, or just doesn’t care...

Episode Segments

Madeleine Dresden: Noisy Neighbors

Mar 22, 2016
20 m

If you’ve ever lived in an apartment, or checked into a hotel, you’ve probably experienced some noise that you didn’t like: like loud stomping upstairs, music blasting through walls, or even a baby crying nonstop. Whether the perpetrator is oblivious to the noise they’re making, or just doesn’t care, there’s one thing that we know for sure: you can’t block out all noise. That’s just life. But what do we do when other people’s noises start affecting our quality of life—maybe we start losing sleep, or we can’t concentrate on our work? And worse yet, what if the noises can’t be contained because they don’t come from something that can be reasoned with? Madeleine Dresden, our Life Lessons segment producer, discusses what it’s like to have to deal with nice neighbors who have, as she calls them, Velociraptor children.

If you’ve ever lived in an apartment, or checked into a hotel, you’ve probably experienced some noise that you didn’t like: like loud stomping upstairs, music blasting through walls, or even a baby crying nonstop. Whether the perpetrator is oblivious to the noise they’re making, or just doesn’t care, there’s one thing that we know for sure: you can’t block out all noise. That’s just life. But what do we do when other people’s noises start affecting our quality of life—maybe we start losing sleep, or we can’t concentrate on our work? And worse yet, what if the noises can’t be contained because they don’t come from something that can be reasoned with? Madeleine Dresden, our Life Lessons segment producer, discusses what it’s like to have to deal with nice neighbors who have, as she calls them, Velociraptor children.