Leaving Port and Beginning Our Journey

Leaving Port and Beginning Our Journey

Finding Center - Season 3, Episode 109

  • Sep 18, 2020 6:00 am
  • 58:30 mins
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Leaving Port and Beginning Our Journey Today's episode begins with Claudio R. M. Costa's devotional address titled, "Ships Are Safe in the Harbor." Full audio, video, and transcript available at: https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/claudio-r-m-costa/ships-are-safe-in-the-harbor/   Then, we'll hear from Len B. Novilla with "Journey of the Soul, Anchors of the Heart: Coming unto..." Full audio, video, and transcript available at: https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/len-b-novilla/journey-of-the-soul-anchors-of-the-heart-coming-unto/