Long Form: The Storycrafters and Simon Brooks

Long Form: The Storycrafters and Simon Brooks

The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 283

  • Mar 9, 2015 6:00 am
  • 54:31 mins
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Stories included in this episode: The StorycraftersStory: The Goats and the Bear Teller:  The Storycrafters Site: www.storycrafters.com Notes: Jeri Burns, PhD and Barry Marshall believe in the time tested wisdom of traditional stories and sharing that wisdom with today's audiences. This story about the family of a mischievous baby goat and one greedy bear is from the album, "Yarns of the Brothers Grimm." Simon BrooksStory: The Three Feathers Teller: Simon Brooks Site: www.diamondscree.com Notes: Simon Brooks is an award-winning British storyteller, educator, and artist who uses his voice talents to breathe new life into stories with classic themes. This fairy tale about a humble woodcutter and the great dragon sorceror is from the album "Second-hand Tales."