Rise of the Black Feminist through Literature and Social Media

Rise of the Black Feminist through Literature and Social Media

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 989 , Segment 2

MLK, Black Feminism, Bog Bodies, Boredom and Brilliance

Episode: MLK, Black Feminism, Bog Bodies, Boredom and Brilliance

  • Jan 21, 2019 11:00 pm
  • 16:19 mins

Guest: Kristin Matthews, PhD, Associate Professor of English, Brigham Young University to not be safe on the earth. simply because of the color of your skin. how does a being survive this. That’s a poem by African-American poet Nayyirah Waheed. Her Instagram account, which solely features pictures of her work, has more than half a million followers. Through her poetry, she tackles tough concepts such as race, love, identity, and feminism. Inspired by the likes of Waheed, black feminists are turning to literature and social media to band together and make their voices heard.

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