How the Light Gets In

How the Light Gets In

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 978 , Segment 1

"How the Light Gets In" & The Art and Science of Scent

Episode: "How the Light Gets In" & The Art and Science of Scent

  • Jan 4, 2019 11:00 pm
  • 50:47 mins

Guest: Keira Shae, author, “How the Light Gets In" Keira Shae had a moment of viral fame several years ago when her thank you letter to American taxpayers spread across the internet. “I am twenty-three years old,” she wrote. “I am the daughter of an uneducated, meth-addicted prostitute who was the single mother of six children. Since 1987, you have supported me as you paid your taxes. You’re the sole reason I am alive.” There is more – much more – to the story of how a girl survived a dire childhood of poverty and abuse to become a college graduate, nonprofit executive and vibrant wife and mother.