Mother of Thanksgiving

Mother of Thanksgiving

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 736 , Segment 1

Women Making it Happen

Episode: Women Making it Happen

  • Nov 10, 2020 7:00 pm
  • 40:27 mins

Guest: Denise Kiernan, journalist, producer, and author of "We Gather Together: A Nation Divided, a President in Turmoil, and a Historic Campaign to Embrace Gratitude and Grace” Sarah Josepha Hale was the mother of Thanksgiving. She campaigned for decades with various presidents, local leaders, and the readers of her incredibly popular journal "Godey’s Lady’s Book" to establish a national holiday of gratitude. She was a social influencer in her time, and she impacted fashion, the literary scene, and public opinion, especially about the need for this holiday.