Oscar-Nominee "Land of Mine"

Oscar-Nominee "Land of Mine"

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 491 , Segment 2

Teach for America, Editing our DNA, Modern Chivalry

Episode: Teach for America, Editing our DNA, Modern Chivalry

  • Feb 17, 2017
  • 13:47 mins

Guest: Chip Oscarson, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of the Scandinavian Program, BYU One of this year’s Oscar nominees for Best Foreign Language films is a film out of Denmark titled “Land of Mine.” It recreates a devastating chapter of World War II history, when, at the end of the war, 2,000 German POWs—many of them just in their teens—were forced to clear a million and a half land mines buried in the western beaches of Denmark. Half of these prisoners were killed or injured.  Somehow this often brutal film manages a tender portrait of these young soldiers and their gruff overseer.