Teen Writing, Adventure Novels, and Arts Education

Teen Writing, Adventure Novels, and Arts Education

Worlds Awaiting - Season 4, Episode 22

  • Jun 22, 2019 6:00 am
  • 57:04
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Teen Writing (4:19)  The ability to express oneself and be heard is an essential part of being human. This need for self expression is especially high during the teenage years. One great way to express oneself is through the writing process. Today we have on the phone Penny Kittle, an author and a great advocate for helping our teens engage in writing. Storytime (16:34) Libraries are known for their storytimes and we are too. Each week at around 15 minutes past the hour, tune in to hear book reviews or live readings of picture books or poetry. Today Rachael Colson gives her book review of "Mr. Miniscule and the Whale" by Julian Tuwim.  Adventure Novels (19:49) When an author writes a work of fiction, they create an entire world for the reader to dive into. That world can be grounded only in our reality, or break off to explore fantastical ideas, or reimagine history. Rachel is in the studio with author Matt Kirby to talk about a few of his books that plays around with world building.  Arts Education (36:37) Children learn lots of different things in school. From the circumference of a circle to the grammatical structure of a sentence, it’s almost guaranteed that any school will provide decent education in math, science, and english. But not every school provides a dynamic arts program. We have in the studio today, Randy Evenson an educator and professional storyteller. Librarians' Table (48:01) Today we have a special Librarians' Table. Usually Rachel talks with librarians from around Utah, but today she has special guests from the zoo. Suzanne Zgraggen and Erica Ferguson are program coordinators for the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City. They’re here to chat about a special type of literacy: environmental literacy.