Living a Well-Gardened Life
Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 597
- Aug 5, 2020 6:00 am
- 52:52 mins
The Benefits of Living a Well-Gardened Life Guest: Sue Stuart-Smith, Author of "The Well-Gardened Mind: The Restorative Power of Nature," Psychiatrist, and Psychotherapist. A distinguished psychiatrist and avid gardener offers an inspiring and consoling work about the healing effects of gardening and its ability to decrease stress and foster mental well-being in our everyday lives. Converting an English Estate into a Thriving Ecosystem Guest: Isabella Tree, journalist and author, “Wilding: Returning Nature to Our Farm” Take a walk on the wild side--the wild side of conservation, that is! When Isabella Tree’s 3,500 acre farm was failing, she and her husband decided to switch gears from intensive farming to a hands-off conservation technique called “rewilding.” Check out the miraculous tenacity and wonder of nature.