The Great American Citizenship Quiz
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 642 , Segment 2
Trump at the UN, US Citizenship Test, Become an Opera Fan
Episode: Trump at the UN, US Citizenship Test, Become an Opera Fan
- Sep 19, 2017 11:00 pm
- 20:09 mins
Guest: Solomon Skolnick, Author, "The Great American Citizenship Quiz" In the past decade more than 6 million people have become naturalized citizens on the United Statesof America. To do so, they have to pass a citizenship quiz. Could you pass it? Do you know how many amendments there are to the US Constitution? Can you name one of the two longest rivers in the United States? Can you name one of the writers of the “Federalist Papers”? Solomon Skolnick has recently published a new edition of “The Great American Citizenship Quiz,” which outlines all the questions and answers to the citizenship quiz. We reached out to him to ask him whether studying for this quiz really prepares people for US citizenship and whether most natural-born citizens have mastered this information.