S2 E34: A Pediatric Neurosurgeon Shares Stories of Triumph and Resilience

S2 E34: A Pediatric Neurosurgeon Shares Stories of Triumph and Resilience

Constant Wonder - Season 2, Episode 34

  • Oct 19, 2022 6:00 am
  • 52:50
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Neurosurgeon Jay Wellons performs the most delicate surgeries on the traumatized brains of children, where every cut and stitch has life-changing consequences. He’s also an enthralling storyteller and a tireless advocate for his patients–a lesson he learned the hard way. Join us as he shares inspiring tales of his patients’ journeys. Guest: Jay Wellons, MD, Cal Turner Chair and Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; author of "All That Moves Us: A Pediatric Neurosurgeon, His Young Patients, and Their Stories of Grace and Resilience"