Meaningful Work • Prof. Andrea Veltman

Meaningful Work • Prof. Andrea Veltman

How to Help - Season 2021, Episode 9

  • Jun 21, 2021 6:00 am
  • 35:34

People spend most of their waking hours working. It's no wonder that we want to enjoy our work, but that can be complicated. The world is full of dangerous or difficult jobs with low pay. How does meaningful work fit ethically in such a world? In this episode, we'll learn from Dr. Andrea Veltman, an expert in the philosophy of work. Together, we'll confront questions that are guaranteed to make you think differently about your job (and everyone else's too). About Our Guest: Dr. Andrea Veltman is a professor of philosophy at James Madison University, where she teaches courses in ethics and political philosophy. She specializes, among other things, in the philosophy of work and wrote the book Meaningful Work, one of my favorite reads of the past year.