Mass Migration, Climate Change, Enceladus, Copyright

Mass Migration, Climate Change, Enceladus, Copyright

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 160

  • Oct 19, 2015 6:00 am
  • 104:51
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Mass Migration (1:04) Guest: Jacob Hickman, PhD, Professor of Anthropology at BYU  Several migrations of entire communities are underway. Hundreds of thousands of people—millions, even—are fleeing war, oppression and poverty in Syria, Iraq and parts of Africa. Years from now, we may note this period as we do today the Hmong Migration that began 40 years ago.   The Hmong are an ethnic group that played a critical role in America’s “Secret War” in Laos. It was an extension of the war in Vietnam. Hmong inhabited the hilly, strategically-important areas along the border between the two countries. Many were recruited by the CIA to fight against the Communist Pathet Lao army. When Laos fell to the Communists and the US pulled out of it and Vietnam, many Hmong were targeted for revenge, there were even extermination orders.  Climate Change and Birth Weight (21:41) Guest: Kathryn Grace, PhD, Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Utah  Climate scientists on this show have explained the effect they expect a warming atmosphere to have on weather. Here in the states, that means bigger storms and extended dry spells, which are already affecting food and water supplies and our power bills as we crank the AC or heat a little more. In less-developed countries, people are feeling the effects more keenly: researchers including Professor Kathryn Grace at the University of Utah have isolated one negative impact—babies being born with lower-birth weights in Africa.  Enceladus (39:43) Guest: Carolyn Porco, PhD, Leader of the Imaging Team on the Cassini Mission to Saturn  Saturn is already among the most popular planets for amateur sky watchers, because you can make out its rings even with a pair of binoculars. For a decade now, the unmanned spacecraft Cassini has been sending back much closer shots of Saturn and its 60-plus moons as it orbits Saturn. NASA scientists are particularly intrigued by a moon called Enceladus that has giant icy geysers bursting from its southern pole. The images are really cool—check

Mass Migration

Oct 19, 2015
20 m

Guest: Jacob Hickman, PhD, Professor of Anthropology at BYU  Several migrations of entire communities are underway. Hundreds of thousands of people—millions, even—are fleeing war, oppression and poverty in Syria, Iraq and parts of Africa. Years from now, we may note this period as we do today the Hmong Migration that began 40 years ago.   The Hmong are an ethnic group that played a critical role in America’s “Secret War” in Laos. It was an extension of the war in Vietnam. Hmong inhabited the hilly, strategically-important areas along the border between the two countries. Many were recruited by the CIA to fight against the Communist Pathet Lao army. When Laos fell to the Communists and the US pulled out of it and Vietnam, many Hmong were targeted for revenge, there were even extermination orders.

Guest: Jacob Hickman, PhD, Professor of Anthropology at BYU  Several migrations of entire communities are underway. Hundreds of thousands of people—millions, even—are fleeing war, oppression and poverty in Syria, Iraq and parts of Africa. Years from now, we may note this period as we do today the Hmong Migration that began 40 years ago.   The Hmong are an ethnic group that played a critical role in America’s “Secret War” in Laos. It was an extension of the war in Vietnam. Hmong inhabited the hilly, strategically-important areas along the border between the two countries. Many were recruited by the CIA to fight against the Communist Pathet Lao army. When Laos fell to the Communists and the US pulled out of it and Vietnam, many Hmong were targeted for revenge, there were even extermination orders.


Oct 19, 2015
12 m

Guest: Carolyn Porco, PhD, Leader of the Imaging Team on the Cassini Mission to Saturn  Saturn is already among the most popular planets for amateur sky watchers, because you can make out its rings even with a pair of binoculars. For a decade now, the unmanned spacecraft Cassini has been sending back much closer shots of Saturn and its 60-plus moons as it orbits Saturn. NASA scientists are particularly intrigued by a moon called Enceladus that has giant icy geysers bursting from its southern pole. The images are really cool—check them out at, where all of the Cassini images are posted.   The big new discovery by the Cassini Mission to Saturn is that those geysers are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Researchers now believe the entire moon is covered liquid—a global ocean.

Guest: Carolyn Porco, PhD, Leader of the Imaging Team on the Cassini Mission to Saturn  Saturn is already among the most popular planets for amateur sky watchers, because you can make out its rings even with a pair of binoculars. For a decade now, the unmanned spacecraft Cassini has been sending back much closer shots of Saturn and its 60-plus moons as it orbits Saturn. NASA scientists are particularly intrigued by a moon called Enceladus that has giant icy geysers bursting from its southern pole. The images are really cool—check them out at, where all of the Cassini images are posted.   The big new discovery by the Cassini Mission to Saturn is that those geysers are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Researchers now believe the entire moon is covered liquid—a global ocean.