Impact of the Tax Cuts, Pursuit of Happiness, Screen Cleaning

Impact of the Tax Cuts, Pursuit of Happiness, Screen Cleaning

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 292

  • Dec 8, 2017 7:00 am
  • 2:27:46 mins

Impact of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (20:40) Ms. Ryan Alexander, the president of Taxpayers for Common Sense with us, Taxpayers for Common Sense is a nonpartisan budget watchdog with a goal of promoting fiscal responsibility and opposing wasteful tax and spending policies. Ryan Alexander discusses the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act and how it can impact each of us.  Liana Tan - Missing College (42:38) One of our producers, Liana Tan, has been doing little bits for a while now called “Little Tangents.” Her graduation is coming up, though, so as she’s wrapping things up she’s going to tell us about 5 things she’ll miss about college. Pursuit of Happiness (1:10:08) Lynya Floyd, Health Director at Family Circle magazine, is a nationally certified health and wellness coach, fitness enthusiast and award-winning journalist.  Many people believe that they can find happiness by earning more money, losing more weight, or even binge-watching their favorite show on Netflix. Although people may find temp...

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