How to Enjoy the Holidays as a Busy Mom
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 291 , Segment 4
Better Ballots, Wonder can be harnessed, Busy mom Holidays
Episode: Better Ballots, Wonder can be harnessed, Busy mom Holidays
- Dec 7, 2017 5:00 pm
- 27:34 mins
Jeanette Bennett is founder and editor-in-chief at Bennett Communications, where she primarily focuses on Utah Valley Magazine, BusinessQ Magazine, and Prosper Magazine. Jeanette earned a bachelor's and master's degree in journalism from BYU and has been a regular guest on HuffPostLive. Sometimes people step away from a job because of health issues, family emergencies, or other personal issues. Jeanette Bennett works with her husband and shares some ideas on how to work with a spouse or loved one.