Filk Music
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 19 , Segment 3
Homelessness, Filk Music, Peanut Allergies, Election Conflict
Episode: Homelessness, Filk Music, Peanut Allergies, Election Conflict
- Mar 5, 2015 10:00 pm
- 10:26 mins
(40:25) Guest: Tom Smith, Professional Filk Musician With its roots in folk music, campfire songs, and comedy, Filk has even influenced popular music, from “nerdcore” rockers like Weezer to parodists like Weird Al. “It’s just a very small drop in that ocean, the ocean of recorded music. But it’s a very tight community,” says Smith. “We are trying to just entertain—sing for people and have them wing with us.”