Adventures of a Lava Hunter
Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 923 , Segment 1
Don't Wear Clothes That Melt
Episode: Don't Wear Clothes That Melt
- Mar 22, 2021 7:00 pm
- 36:04 mins
Most scientists don't have to worry about wearing clothes that melt or shoes that will catch fire, but volcanologists do. From the fiery wrath of Pele on Hawaii’s Kilauea to the rumbling explosions and lava bombs of Ecuador’s El Reventador, Jess Phoenix faces danger and adventure as she explores volcanoes and learns firsthand that the Earth itself is alive. Guest: Jess Phoenix, geologist, co-founder of the environmental science nonprofit Blueprint Earth, and author of "Ms. Adventure: My Wild Explorations in Science, Lava, and Life"