Resilience by Recharge
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 253 , Segment 2
Success After Death, Resilience Recharge, Aging Not for Sissies
Episode: Success After Death, Resilience Recharge, Aging Not for Sissies
- Oct 24, 2017 4:00 pm
- 48:43 mins
Michelle Gielan is a positive psychology researcher. Currently, she is an Executive Producer of “The Happiness Advantage” Special on PBS and a featured professor in Oprah’s Happiness course. She is the best-selling author of her book Broadcasting Happiness. Michelle is the Founder of the Institute for Applied Positive Research and was a national CBS News anchor before becoming a psychology researcher. Are you someone who goes home from work and can’t keep your mind off of work? Many people at home can’t help but check their phones for work emails or can’t even sleep because they are thinking about work. They don’t get a break from work at home, and it costs companies $62 billion a year in lost productivity. Michelle Gielan explains why having a recovery period is essential for work and life.