The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 269
- Nov 22, 2018 7:00 am
- 52:09 mins
Happt Turkey Day from the Matt Townsend Show! Today we have full lineup of guests to give us the tips and tricks to getting through this haliday and how to make it the best one yet. We start off with Karen Mangum, mother of BYU quarterback Tanner Mangum, and a fantastic dietician and healt coach in her own right! Karen shares with us some tips on how we can stay healthy during this day of feasting so it doesn't come back to gett us in the butt later. Next Matt has the one and only Mardi Townsend (Matt's Wife) on the air to discuss a strange tradition that they share every Thanksgiving! After we say goodbye to Mardi we say hello again to Proffesor Jeff Thompson from BYU as he teaches us all about how we can stregnthen our relationships with our extended family members today during our festivites rather than just muddle through. Finally, we have reknown blogger and writer Jenny Laton on the show to wrap things up by telling us how we can better teach our childern the meaning of service through our own example. This is jam packed specail Thanksgiving episode for you today on the Matt Townsend Show!