Summer Self-Care Strategies

Summer Self-Care Strategies

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 730 , Segment 1

Dressing Like Your Grandpa and Enhanced Goal Execution

Episode: Dressing Like Your Grandpa and Enhanced Goal Execution

  • May 26, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 13:42 mins

When kids are all excited for school to end and summer to start, parents might be feeling differently. While we love our kids, having those 7 hours where they’re out of the house and busy gives us parents time to get our lengthy to-do lists done, as well as maybe have a second or two to ourselves. But while summertime is a nice break for the kids, it usually means more work and hands-on time for the parents. So how can parents find ways to enjoy some self-care and personal time with all the kids back in the house? Today we are talking with Michelle McCullough, speaker and CEO of DreamBoard Media about all the tips parents need this summer to care for themselves while they care for their families.