Flint Water Crisis, Personalize Learning, Workplace Mental Health

Flint Water Crisis, Personalize Learning, Workplace Mental Health

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 18

  • Jan 21, 2016 7:00 am
  • 2:21:28 mins

Flint Water Crisis (15:58) Dr. Gus Williams is a associate professor of environmental engineering and hydrology at Brigham Young University. Flint, Michigan, located 70 miles from the shore of the Great Lakes is unable to get clean water. Two years ago, the city switched its water source, in an effort to save money. However, this switch has become not only a financial mistake, but a decision that is threatening the health of Flint’s residents. And after researches from Virginia Tech confirmed the water was contaminated with Iron, the president has issued a state of emergency. Dr. Williams joins us to talk about the dangerous of Flint’s water crisis and how aging public infrastructure plays a key part in the crisis. Personalize Learning (1:01:27) Kathleen McClaskey is Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Personalize Learning, LLC and Co-Author of Make Learning Personal. She is a recognized Personalized Learning Expert and Digital Learning Consultant with over 30 years experie...