Buses to Showers

Buses to Showers

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 264 , Segment 4

Pakistani Taliban, Steph Curry, Child Soldiers, Buses to Showers

Episode: Pakistani Taliban, Steph Curry, Child Soldiers, Buses to Showers

  • Mar 30, 2016 9:00 pm
  • 27:17 mins

Guest: Doneice Sandoval, Founder and CEO of Lava Mae  You know what it feels like when you’ve been on traveling by plane for a really long day or – or out camping for a few days – without access to a shower? And how everything just looks better in the world once you’ve had a chance to get clean?  People who are homeless rarely have that chance. In fact, in San Francisco there are an estimated 3,500 people living on the streets and only seven places that offer showers for the homeless.