Ranking College Athletes, Metabolism, Outgoing Introvert

Ranking College Athletes, Metabolism, Outgoing Introvert

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 108

  • May 5, 2016 6:00 am
  • 2:20:15 mins

Ranking College Athletes (18:18) Zach Knowlton recent BYU graduate in Statistics. In the world of sport’s predictions, there is no, “sure thing.” Brackets are busted and bets are lost, all in the name of upsets. But what if you had a way of knowing how well a player is going to perform throughout the season? Joining us today in the studio, is Zach Knowlton. Zach and his team at BYU developed a statistical model, rating athlete performance as a way to better guide coaches weekly decisions. Zach shares more about his statistical master-play and just how important the numbers off the field are.  Firing Up Your Metabolism (1:01:38) Claudia Norris is a Nutritional Therapist and Eating Psychology Coach. She is an experienced public speaker and has spoken to CEOs and Senior Managers at London Business School. She Blogs for The Huffington Post and Mum on the Rock. She has written for the National Childbirth Trust and various local papers and magazines. When is the the best time to eat an...