Moon Pies, Musicals, and Loose Teeth
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 490
- Sep 22, 2016 6:00 am
- 57:33 mins
A few of our favorite stories just for fun. Stories included in this episode: Weezy and the Moonpies Bill Harley captures the magic of childhood through stories, songs, and all-around silliness in a unique and award-winning fashion. Listen to this story and find out why people of all ages love to be a part of his audience. Learn more about Bill by visiting High School Musical No, not that high school musical. With a knack for nostalgia, Slash Coleman shares stories about his childhood that help us learn about who we were and we might be becoming. Learn more about Slash by visiting I Have A Loose Tooth A great whistler and an outstanding showman with a silly putty voice, Andy Offutt Irwin is equal parts mischievous schoolboy, Marx Brother, and Southern balladeer. Learn more about Andy by visiting