Reader's Theater: "Hansel and Gretel and Pirates"

Reader's Theater: "Hansel and Gretel and Pirates"

The Apple Seed - Season 2, Episode 35 , Segment 3

S2 E35: Daring Pranks - Stories by Bil Lepp + 'Hansel & Gretel & Pirates'

Episode: S2 E35: Daring Pranks - Stories by Bil Lepp + 'Hansel & Gretel & Pirates'

  • Oct 13, 2022 12:00 pm
  • 21:35

Recorded right in our own Apple Seed studio, we bring to you a reader's theater tale of Hansel and Gretel, but with a twist. In this fractured fairytale version of the well known fairytale, we introduce some new villains that give this story a bit of fun. Listen and laugh along to our reader's theater Hansel and Gretel and Pirates.

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