Is That Viral News Story In Your Feed Legitimate?

Is That Viral News Story In Your Feed Legitimate?

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 877 , Segment 3

Who are the Kochs and Does Their Tiff With Trump Matter?, Saving Zion for the Future, Reviving Infants' Dying Hearts

Episode: Who are the Kochs and Does Their Tiff With Trump Matter?, Saving Zion for the Future, Reviving Infants' Dying Hearts

  • Aug 14, 2018 9:00 pm
  • 15:31

Guest: Fil Menczer, PhD, Professor of Computer Science and Informatics, Director, Observatory on Social Media, Indiana University A news story keeps showing up on your Facebook or Twitter feed that all your friends are sharing and liking. How closely do you read it before sharing or liking it yourself? How sure are you that it’s not biased or completely fake or going viral mainly because automated accounts are liking and sharing it?