Period Poverty
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1608 , Segment
Syria, How to Nap, Period Poverty
Episode: Syria, How to Nap, Period Poverty
- May 27, 2021 8:00 pm
- 41:44
May 28th is Global Menstrual Hygiene Day. It's meant to raise awareness about something that is still stigmatized in many cultures. But a documentary won an Oscar about the subject just two years ago. And now there is a companion book to the movie, which is also called "Period. End of Sentence." Our guests are Melissa Berton, who was the producer of the film and founder of The Pad Project, and Anita Diamant who, was the author of the companion book and "The Red Tent." (Oscar photo credit- Kevin Winter/ Staff/ Getty Images, Movie Photo credit- Netflix, Period. End of Sentence)