Inside the IRS on Tax Day
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 791 , Segment 1
Inside the IRS on Tax Day, Downstairs at the White House, How Noisy is Your Neighborhood?
Episode: Inside the IRS on Tax Day, Downstairs at the White House, How Noisy is Your Neighborhood?
- Apr 16, 2018 11:00 pm
- 24:54 mins
Guest: Charles Rossotti, Former Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (1997-2002), Senior Advisor, The Carlyle Group, Author, "Many Unhappy Returns: One Man's Quest To Turn Around The Most Unpopular Organization In America" The individual filing deadline is upon us. While you may be stressing to get your return in on time, consider this: the IRS deals with 150 million individual income tax returns a year and another 100 million federal tax returns for businesses and nonprofits. How does the famously unpopular and under-funded agency manage it all? Charles Rossotti was the commissioner of the IRS from 1997 to 2002. He led a major reorganization of the agency during that time and has since written a book about it called, “Many Unhappy Returns.”