Fighting Anti-Asian Hate
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 695 , Segment
Fighting Anti-Asian Hate and College Waitlists
Episode: Fighting Anti-Asian Hate and College Waitlists
- Apr 7, 2021 12:00 pm
- 14:14
Over the past year we’ve watched as division in our world has reached new and dangerous heights. One such example is the rise in anti-Asian hate since last year. We love our Asian brothers and sisters and hate to see any sort of violence perpetrated against them. Yet sometimes it feels like nothing we do will ever be enough to solve this issue and many others that we see occurring every day. But is that true? Our next guest would disagree with you. She believes our voices do matter and we can make a difference. So today we have Tricia Brouk, a New York City human rights activist, here to talk with us about how we can use our individual voices and personal stories for good.