The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 949
- Apr 30, 2019 6:00 am
- 56:00 mins
Today’s stories come to us from the wisdom of those who have intuition. Intuition can manifest itself in many ways: visions, gut feelings, or simply from life experience. We’ll hear the classic poem “Abu Ben Adam” by James Henry Leigh Hunt as performed by The D’s, then we’ll hear a classic song and story sung and told by John McCutcheon, Jeff Gere will tell us a silly tale about a forward-thinking king, Joel Ben Izzy will tell us a classic King Solomon story along witha different variation of it, then we’ll hear Mary Grace Ketner tell the legend of a clairvoyant, and then we’ll hear an Aesop-fable-esque story from Shelia Arnold. It’s a great mix of stories!