Kaepernick and the Constitution, Butting Out of Relationship

Kaepernick and the Constitution, Butting Out of Relationship

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 248

  • Oct 17, 2016 6:00 am
  • 2:22:18 mins

Kaepernick and the Constitution (18:32) Bennett L. Gershman is a tenured Professor of Law at Pace Law School in New York. Gershman courses mainly focus on Constitutional Law, Prosecutorial Ethic, Judicial Ethics, Criminal law and Criminal Procedure. Colin Kaepernick, a NFL football player, has made a lot of noise in his protest against racial inequality.  Kaepernick’s protest, which involves taking a knee during the National Anthem at NFL football games, has sparked a national outcry.  This has not been the first time this debate has created a wave effect in our society. Professor Bennet L. Gershman explains the legal issues around this protest. Entrepreneur's Manifesto (1:05:10) Steve Mariotti spent 30 years as a teacher of at-risk youth. He founded the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship. Mariotti has witnessed first-hand how entrepreneurship education inspires individuals to create pathways out of poverty for themselves. His organization has over 600,000 graduates and progra...