American Baby
  • Mar 16, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 16:36

During the Baby Boom in 1960s America, women were encouraged to stay home and raise large families, but childbirth was a taboo subject. In 1961, sixteen-year-old Margaret Erle fell in love and became pregnant. Her enraged family sent her to a maternity home, and after she gave birth, she wasn't even allowed her to hold her own son. Social workers threatened her with jail until she signed away her parental rights. Her son vanished. Today we are happy to have Gabrielle Glaser with us. Gabrielle is a New York Times bestselling author and journalist. She has recently come out with her new book, “American Baby”, the truth about postwar adoption in America told through the bittersweet story of Margaret, the son she was forced to relinquish, and their search to find each other. Gabrielle is here to speak about this inspiring story.