Ep. 183: Gray Cox. How does AI impact religion?

Ep. 183: Gray Cox. How does AI impact religion?

In Good Faith - Season 2024, Episode 7

  • Feb 14, 2024 7:00 am
  • 24:20 mins
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Steven Kapp Perry speaks with Gray Cox about the new age of AI and its influence on religious life. Artificial Intelligence has made its way into nearly every conversation over the last few months. We're wondering, What does this mean for religious practice? Dr. Cox discusses how we train AI matters and reflects our own spiritual concerns. Gray Cox is the author of “Smarter Planet or Wiser Earth?”, a book about dialogue and collaboration in this new age of AI. He teaches courses in philosophy, peace studies, language learning, and artificial intelligence at College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine. He is a cofounder and current Clerk of the Quaker Institute for the Future.