From the Vaults: Spooky and Strange
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 167 , Segment 5
Russian Aggression, Kids Writing, Girls' Stereotypes in Science
Episode: Russian Aggression, Kids Writing, Girls' Stereotypes in Science
- Oct 28, 2015 9:00 pm
- 28:12 mins
Guests: Maggie Kopp, Curator of European Books in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Department of the Library at BYU; Scott Miller, PhD, Professor of Japanese and Dean of the College of Humanities. A new exhibit at the Harold B. Lee Library’s Special Collections archive sheds some light on why people love haunted houses and horror, and what that means here versus Japan or today versus 100 years ago. The collection features the spooky Japanese ghost scroll and the strange, human hair art. Japanese Ghost Scroll Photos of Items in Vault