Lots of "Fear of Others" Among Religious Americans

Lots of "Fear of Others" Among Religious Americans

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 638 , Segment 3

Deciding Where To Donate, Prepare for Disasters, Male Feminist

Episode: Deciding Where To Donate, Prepare for Disasters, Male Feminist

  • Sep 13, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 8:40

Guest: Jerry Park, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology, Baylor University, Affiliate Fellow, Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion Christians, Jews, Muslims and those with no particular religion all preach the importance of loving your fellow man, but a new survey shows we’re a lot more judgmental of one another that we might like to admit. The latest Baylor University Religion Study finds, for example, that church-goers of all stripes look down on atheists as being morally inferior. But non-religious types look down on Christians for the same reason. So, we’re all pretty much looking down on each other? But it doesn’t stop there – we also admit to being afraid of other religious groups. So much for peace, love and understanding?