Why Lowering the DUI Limit May Not Make Roads Safer
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 526 , Segment 3
Supreme Court, Right to Repair, Calvin and Hobbes
Episode: Supreme Court, Right to Repair, Calvin and Hobbes
- Apr 6, 2017 11:00 pm
- 16:20 mins
Guest: J.T. Griffin, Chief Government Affairs Officer, MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Last month, Utah became the first state in the nation to drop its drunk driving blood alcohol limit to .05. While that lower limit is common in other countries, it’s unusual in the US, where the standard for years has been .08 blood alcohol content, thanks to advocacy by the influential group “Mothers Against Drunk Driving,” or MADD. Now, the interesting twist here is that MADD does not advocate lowering the DUI limit to .05 and many critics argue that if the goal is making roads safer, changing the blood alcohol threshold is not the best approach.