Teaching Kids to be Intentional Online - Your Life Online, Part 4

Teaching Kids to be Intentional Online - Your Life Online, Part 4

The Lisa Show - Season 2023, Episode 16

  • Jun 6, 2023 12:00 pm
  • 28:29 mins
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Kids love technology, and it can be a lot of pressure on parents to decide how much access is appropriate for each kid. How can we know if we're setting healthy boundaries with our kids regarding technology? How much screen time is too much? In this episode, Lisa joins forces with Brooke Romney, Trent Ray, and The Council of Moms (Aimee Hopkin and Kacy Faulconer) to find out. There are more resources available than ever to educate parents on helping kids use tech in a healthy way. Although every parent has a different strategy to managing screens in their home, finding an individualized approach based on the needs of your family (and supporting other parents in their tailored approaches) can be the key in healthy relationships to technology for the whole family.