The Great Cookie Cookoff
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 862
- Dec 26, 2018 7:00 am
- 57:12 mins
On today’s episode, weshare with you a couple of Christmas tales, and one about, well, about being concerned about one’s weight, which we thought made it a tale perfectly suited for holiday telling. Firstup, a story from Kim Weitkamp about a friendly Christmas competition at church. Whose cookies will win the prize this year? Kim will regale you with a story to answer that question. After Kim, we hear from Donald Davis, with a classic Christmas tale of concern for how the jolly old elf will get into the house after an innovation to the heating system. The story is called “Don’t Kill Santa!” Finally, as if in anticipation of everyone’s annual Christmastime concern and subsequent universal New Year’s resolution, we’ll bring you a story from Carol Birch called “Weighing In.” That’s today, on The Apple Seed. Tellers and Stories on BYUradio.