Empathy, Broken but Not Worthless, Religion and Porn Addiction

Empathy, Broken but Not Worthless, Religion and Porn Addiction

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 116

  • May 17, 2017 6:00 am
  • 2:26:46 mins

Does Empathy have Limits? (15:48) C. Daryl Cameron, Ph.D.  an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and a research associate in the Rock Ethics Institute, at Penn State University. Empathy is the ability we have to understand and share feelings with each other. But is empathy outdated and overhyped in today’s world? Is empathy problematic, limited, and bias in an ethical way? Daryl Cameron shares some answers to these hard questions. Broken but Not Worthless (1:06:51) Life is hard. There is no getting around it, but for some reason it makes us feel better when we learn we aren’t the only ones struggling. One prime example of this is our guest Kristina Kuzmic, a free-lance writer and blogger. Kristina has an in-your-face perspective on issues of parenting and life in general. In fact, you may have seen Kristina recently on your Facebook feed, or on any one of a number of internet, radio or TV outlets. She has become a Youtube sensation with her “mom-centric” videos a...