Tech Transfer: Bee-Colony Collapse
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 204 , Segment 6
Homeless Youth, Healthy Relationships, Changing Labor Laws
Episode: Homeless Youth, Healthy Relationships, Changing Labor Laws
- Jan 4, 2016 10:00 pm
- 20:00 mins
Guests: Sandra H. Burnett, PhD, and Mike Alder, Director of BYU's Technology Transfer Office Honey bees have disappeared at a staggering rate in the US. In just one year, the US lost 42 percent of its managed honey bee colonies, according to the US Department of Agriculture. There are many reasons for the decline, but BYU microbiology professor Sandra Burnett has pioneered a novel solution to one disease so contagious beekeepers are often forced to incinerate their infected hives. It’s called American Foulbrood and we discuss it as part of our weekly technology series.